¿Cuántos juegos Indie's reconoces?
Por tempos, 28 ene 2016, 17:42
#Journey #Hotline Miami #nadie conoce gish ( #slenderman #shovel knight #Castle Crashers #Spelunky #The Binding of Isaac #World of Goo #Bastion #goat simulator #guacamelee #Little Inferno #Cave Story #Minecraft #videojuegos #Minecraft #flappy bird #limbo #slenderman #Machinarium #Indie #Braid #Super Meat Boy #The Binding of Isaac #Hotline Miami #goat simulator #FEZ #Castle Crashers #Journey #shantae #Octodad #Little Inferno #Spelunky #Cave Story #shovel knight #VVVVVV #guacamelee #Dont Starve #alien hominid #Bastion #Gish #World of Goo #i wanna be the kid #bit trip runner #por ahora son todos los que conosco #nadie conoce gish (
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